Sources and acknowledgements
3 min readApr 18, 2021
This article provides a list of the sources consulted to draft this series. It is also an opportunity for me to thank the people that supported, and made possible, the publication of this series by providing feedback, editing the articles and/or translating them to French.
A huge thanks to all of them.
People having contributed to this series (in alphabetical order)
- Corentin Biteau
- Florence Grimbert
- Jack Harich
- Françoise Helary
- Florence Joly
- Jefim Vogel
Sources consulted and linked in the article series
- Arte France, 2021. Gluten, l’ennemi public ?
- Arte France, 2021. La fabrique de l’ignorance
- Center for Humane Technology, 2021. Potential policy reforms
- Climate Interactive, 2015. The climate leader
- Curtis, Adam, 2016. Hypernormalisation
- Farrey, Justin et al. 2019. Evidence-based strategies to combat scientific misinformation
- Institute for the Future. 2019. Building a healthy cognitive immune system: defending democracy in the disinformation age.
- Meadows, Donella, 1999. Leverage points: places to intervene in a system
- PIRC;; NEON. Framing Climate Justice
- Schmachtenberger, Daniel, 2021. Podcast on The Consilience Project
- Stromberg, Joseph. 2015. The forgotten history of how automakers invented the crime of “jaywalking”
- Systems Innovation, 2015. System dynamics
- Systems Innovation, 2015. Feedback loops & Non-Equilibrium
- Systems Innovation, 2015. Synthesis and analysis
- Systems Innovation, 2018. Systems thinking
- The Consilience Project
- The Decision Lab. Why we interpret information favoring our existing beliefs.
- The sustainability laboratory, 2020. Systems Thinking and Systems Modelling. An Online Course for Understanding and Creating Systems Models
- Thwink, 2020. Cutting Through Complexity (from page 187 for the analysis of the sub-problem analysed in this series)
- Thwink. Fundamental attribution error
- Websites on plurality in economics: Exploring economics ; PEPS Economie; Rethinking Economics
(Some of the other) sources consulted
- Arte France, 2019. The manufacturing of consent
- Arte France, 2017. Propaganda: la fabrique du consentement
- Berkana Institute. Using emergence to take social innovation to scale
- Capra, Fritjof; Luisi, Pier Luigi. The systems’ view of life: a unifying vision
- Center for Humane Technology, 2020. Your undivided attention.
- Daly, Herman, 2014. From uneconomic growth to a steady state economy
- Harich, Jack, 2010. Change resistance as the crux of the environmental sustainability problem.
- Hinton, Jennifer, 2020. Fit for purpose? Clarifying the role of profit for sustainability
- Hopkins, Rob. 2020. What if
- Farley, Joshua; Malghan, Deepak, 2018. Beyond uneconomic growth
- Keller, Arthur, 2019. Collapse: the only possible scenario?
- Meadows, Donella. 2005. Thinking in systems: a primer
- Meadows, Donella; Meadows, Dennis; Randers, Jørgen. The limits to growth
- Saltmarshe, Ella, 2018. Using story to change systems
- Schmachtenberger, Daniel, 2020. Better sensemaking
- Schmachtenberger, Daniel, 2019–20. The War on Sensemaking (I to V)
- Sterman, John, 2002. System dynamics modeling: Tools for learning in a complex world
- Systems innovation, 2020. Thematic guides
- Systems Innovation Paris Hub, 2020. The economic system is an elm (also available in presentation format in French)
- The narrative initiative, 2019. Beyond Neoliberalism: a narrative approach
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